Psi Topics
The Metaphysical Root
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Consciousness can move and change. This movement of and change in consciousness is the means by which dimensionless travel from one universe to another universe can take place instantaneously. It can do this because it is based in the macroverse, the source of all universes where nothing is impossible - including the existence of consciousness outside of the possibility limiting fields of every universe. The perception of the death of a consciousness is limited only to those universes where the limits of those universes restrict the perception of consciousness beyond its boundaries. The perception of the death of a consciousness can then only be perceived while the perceiver is within the limiting universe. When the consciousness learns to extend itself beyond the universe that is limiting its perception that consciousness merges with the macroverse where it is able to perceive other universes. Each of these other universes has been created by the macroverse to make real certain possibilities and to make unreal other possibilities. The consciousness will be attracted to those universes fulfilling the possibilities that that consciousness entertains as possibilities it can perceive within its focuser of awareness. The focuser of awareness of a consciousness is its own imagination. What the macroverse is able to do is to shunt a consciousness to a universe where the possibilities being entertained in that consciousness’s focuser of awareness can be experienced as real in terms of what is possible and what is not.
This is the key to defining the nature of hypnosis. Hypnosis has resisted being easily defined by others because it has a deceptive two-faced nature. Hypnosis is on the one hand what it is as it is being experienced by the hypnotist acting as the hypnotizer. And it is on the other hand what it is as it is being experienced by the subject acting as the hypnotized. To the hypnotist what hypnosis is is defined by the observations he can make from within the universe he indwells. He defines it by his subject's actions or reactions to what he says or what he gestures. He calls this suggesting and as he is suggesting he is limited to his own universe and unable to directly perceive the movement of and change in consciousness his subject is being subjected to. Even if the hypnotist succeeds in disassociating the consciousness of his subject from the physical universe and influencing his subject’s imagination, what eludes him is the perception of the macroverse that responds to the subject’s manipulated imagination and his subject’s fall into a universe where the subject’s imagination is replaced by what is real. To the unenlightened hypnotist it is to him absurd to suggest that the subject is experiencing anything other than his own imagination. The hypnotist is after all restricted to his own physical universe and everything within it must be and will be perceived only in terms of acceptable possibilities of the physical universe.
Therefore, we are not quite as much suggestible as we are instead susceptible. We are susceptible to the movement of and change in our consciousness by the macroverse when it moves our consciousness to another universe where what we imagine is replaced by what is real. It is not the suggestion made by a hypnotist that makes his subject stop in his tracks to keep from walking into a suggested door. It is the materialization of the door to his conscious perception that makes him stop. The hypnotist with his suggestions can suggest the subject’s imagination and this the subject can resist because the subject knows when he is imagining. It is when the subject is shunted by the macroverse to a universe where the subject’s imagination is replaced by what is real that the subject responds.
Hypnosis can be defined as the process by which a hypnotist using words or gestures is able to move and change the contents of a consciousness’s focuser of awareness. This involves moving it outside of its native universe where it merges with the macroverse where the macroverse is able to instantaneously shunt that consciousness to another universe where the contents of its imagination is replaced by what is real. The macroverse needs only a sliver of imagination and a belief in the possibility of its realness to shunt a consciousness to a universe where the possibility is realized as a presentation.
The word of a hypnotist often suffices as a sliver of imagination because words are symbols of the imagination, otherwise they could not be understood. Words are communications of the imagination, even when it is communicating something about what is being really experienced.
We are all suggestible to one extent or another because at the root of human consciousness is a suggestible metaphysical realm that can be called the macroverse. To us it can seem to be a magical realm where persons, places, and things can seem to be made to come into existence at the speaking of a word. It is a realm where words seem to have the power to create or destroy. It is where God seems to have the power to say, "Let there be light," and light appears; where the word seems to be God and the word is made flesh (real). But at the root of all words is the imagination and it is the imagination that is being perceived by the macroverse and made real by its creation of universes.
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